At My Place Wellness Center, we know that there is beauty in us all. That should not hold us back from becoming as healthy as we can. My Place Wellness Center has many weight loss solutions to get you started on your weight loss journey with us! Whether you are interested in appetite suppressants or optimizing your overall health, consultation with one of our doctors can help you with your personal weight loss plan.
We offer a variety of weight loss solutions to help you. Fat burner shots, vitamin cocktail injections, FDA appetite suppressants, and much more.
Our vitamin cocktails include vitamin B6, which is often called the “mood vitamin” because it’s responsible for helping our brains and metabolism. It is also an essential component of enzymes that metabolize proteins and fats in your body to get the maximum energy and nutrients from food.
Vitamin B6 therapy will offer excellent benefits to your health and a real boost to your energy and mood. When we feel good, we don’t have to turn to food to make ourselves feel better.
hCG Weight Loss Program
Weight loss has been the topic of discussion for many years, and now is the best time to start. hCG can help you achieve those goals, all while being safe and natural.
hCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, is a natural hormone produced during pregnancy. This hormone encourages your body to target fat around your thighs, waist, and stomach; the most stubborn areas on your body.
Of course, as with any diet, comes a calorie deficit plan. You will be consuming a maximum of 500 calories a day for 8 weeks. However, don’t let this low number intimidate you. hCG targets your stored fat as energy, basically feeding you with the fat already on your body, keeping you from getting hungry and your starvation mode activating.
There are two allowed meals while on the diet; lunch and dinner. One day you may have 200 calories in lunch, and 300 calories in dinner. The next you may have 150 in lunch and 350 in dinner. Basically, the calories can be mixed and matched, however it’s most efficient to keep a stable 250/250 split.
Each meal consumed while on the diet must include one protein, one vegetable, one bread, and one fruit.
Protein wise, you can have broiled or grilled veal, beef, chicken breast, white fish, lobster, crab, or shrimp, as long as any visible fat isn’t consumed.
As for the vegetables, spinach, chard, chicory, beet greens, green salad, tomatoes, celery, fennel, onions, red radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, and cabbage are your options.
Additionally, bread is a simple category; you have the choice between one breadstick or one piece of melba toast.
Finally, for fruit, you can choose an orange, an apple, 5-10 strawberries, or half of a grapefruit.
While on the hCG diet, you may have as much water, coffee, and tea as you want. You may also have up to 1 tablespoon of milk a day.
In conclusion, the hCG diet is an efficient, safe and natural dietary plan that will sustain massive weight loss across 8 weeks. At first glance, it may be intimidating, seeing as you may only consume 500 calories a day, but the hormone’s fat feeding effects, along with the amazing results, should keep you at ease throughout.